Our Programs
St. David’s offers care for the body through our monthly Takeaway Meal and Paper Pantry, our Thrift Shop, Food Cards and Hands for Hope Food Pantry. We also house affordable childcare on weekdays - for infants through age 5.
We offer care for the soul through Sunday and Wednesday worship services, weekly AA, NA and Al-Anon Meetings, monthly House Church gatherings and spiritual formation offerings for children and adults throughout the year.
Takeaway meal & paper pantry
On the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1-3 pm in Nelson Hall, our community offers a meal-to-go, along with paper products and toiletries for all who need. A public health nurse and dental hygienist are also available at low or no cost.
thrift shop
We are now open THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, 10-2. We offer wonderful products at great prices!! Please stop by to browse our selections and make a purchase.

St. David’s is a house of prayer for all people. Our doors are open 24/7 for anyone who needs sanctuary and a place to pray. We celebrate the dignity of every human being, including all God’s children who are LGBTQ+.
One of the best descriptions of the St. David’s community can be found in a Joyful Giving talk given by parishioner, Sue Harrison:
I’m the new kid on the block at St. David’s and would like to briefly share how I got here and what this means to me.
I was brought up in a very structured faith. After many dissatisfied and unhappy years with certain issues and the lack of leadership to address them, I reached the conclusion that things weren’t going to change in my lifetime, if ever. Although this was a painful realization, I began my search for a new home.
My husband and I were in London and went to Westminster Abbey for a beautiful service. When we were outside, we looked at each after having been deeply moved and almost simultaneously said we thought we had found something worth exploring.
I read the book, Finding Home, by Christopher Weber, and found others who shared my journey. In Sarasota we participated in the Pilgrims on the Canterbury Trail program to better understand where we were going. Back on the Cape we continued our reading and went to several Episcopal Churches until we discovered St. David’s.
The very first time here, we felt like we were already a part of your family and, oh, so welcome. I love that this Church is open and affirming, welcoming everyone. It has traditions yet welcomes progress. It feels safe, and is run by lay people and clergy working together. I don’t have to throw anything away from my past spiritual life - just allow it to thrive in this nurturing environment.
I feel like this is where I belong and what I’ve been looking for, for a very long time, perhaps my whole life. This is where I’ve chosen to put my time, treasure and talents. This is now a home to me - where I get replenished and can help meet the needs of others.
To put it simply, I believe in St. David’s mission, the tenets of the Episcopal Church, and all of you, the parishioners who have welcomed us and help make this our home.
Thank you for providing this life-giving environment for me.
“I love that this Church is open and affirming, welcoming everyone. It has traditions yet welcomes progress. It feels safe, and is run by lay people and clergy working together.”
Sue Harrison / Read Full Article

Get Involved
Apply For a Scholarship
Applications for St. David’s Scholarships 2024 Scholarship Awards are due on May 13th. If you have any questions please contact the Parish Office at 508-394-4222.
Volunteer opportunities
All are welcome to help assemble and serve our Takeaway Meal.
Make a Donation
Support the ministries of St. David’s and help shine God’s light.